Electric bitumen cooker with remote control 455 800 ₸

Electric bitumen cooker with remote control

Created: March 6 2023
Electric bitumen cooker with remote control Aqtobe - photo 1
Address: Aqtobe, Kazakhstan
LLC "Penzhydroprom" manufactures electric bitumen cookers with a volume of 130, 200, 250, 500 and 960 liters. The composition of the bitumen cooker includes a container with a loading hatch, heating elements, a ball valve and a control panel. The bitumen cooker is designed for gentle heating and maintenance of bitumen and media similar to it in terms of properties, as well as for mixing them. The bitumen cooker is made in the form of a mobile electrical installation and moves in the work area with the help of lifting mechanisms. Delivery across Russia, Kazakhstan. Penzhydroprom company.
Created: March 6 2023
Was online march 5 12:35
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455 800 ₸
Was online march 5 12:35
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