Transport services Aktau 200 ₸

Transport services Aktau

Created: October 3
Transport services Aktau Aqtau - photo 1
Transport services Aktau Aqtau - photo 2
Transport services Aktau Aqtau - photo 3
Address: Aktau, Mangghystau, Kazakhstan, Aqtau, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Taxi in Aktau, in Mangistau region.
Meeting and seeing off guests at the airport, at the railway station.
Karamandybas field
Komsomolskoye field
KarakudukMunai field
Arystanovskoye oil field.
Kalamkas field
Buzachi field
Karazhanbas field
Dunga field
(Shift change of workers)

Emir Oil fields.

Support station (Borankul)
Airport meeting and seeing off
Taxi to Tetysblu Aktau/ amusement park.
Railway station meeting and seeing off Aktau - Zhanaozen Aktau - Beineu village Aktau - Zhetybay village Aktau - Shetpe village Aktau - Fort Shevchenko village Airport - Rixos - Airport Railway station - Rixos - Railway station City - Rixos - Rixos city - Delivery - Rixos Railway station - TriofLife - Railway station Airport - TriofLife - port City - TriofLife - City Airport - Kendirli - Airport Aktau - Kuryk village (Eraliev) Aktau - SayUtes village Aktau - Senek village Aktau - Umirzak village Aktau - Base KCOI Aktau - Base TenizService Aktau - Base NCOC Aktau - Ersai Takhi Base in Aktau Riviera Courier delivery in Aktau, region Cargo delivery in Aktau, region Delivery commander mail To Rixos recreation center, TriofLife Courier delivery of documents Trip to Beket ata, Karaman ata, Shopan ata Aktau - Taushyk village Aktau - Zharmysh village Aktau - Bautino village (Atash) tau - Kyzylsai village Aktau - Munayshy village Traveling around Mangistau Aktau - Kenderli recreation area Traveling to holy places Meeting from the railway station to the hotel Meeting from the airport to the hotel City - KarakudukMunai - City City - Kalamkas - City City - Buzachi - City

City - Karazhanbas - City
City - Dunga - City
City - Tasbulat - City
City - Ozenmunaygaz - City
City - Karamandybas - City
Takhi to holy places

Underground mosque Shopan ata, Beket ata
With a fiscal receipt, an invoice.
Taxi in Aktau, in the Mangistau region.
Karamandybas field
Komsomolskoye field
KarakudukMunai field
Arystanovskoye oil field.
Kalamkas deposit
Buzachi deposit
Karazhanbas deposit
Dunga deposit
(Shift change of workers)

Station support (Borankul)
Airport meeting and seeing off
Railway station meeting and seeing off

Aktau - Zhanaozen city
Aktau - Beineu settlement

Aktau - Zhetybai settlement
Aktau - Shetpe settlement
Aktau - Fort-Shevchenko settlement

Airport - Rixos - Airport
Railway station - Rixos - Railway station
City - Rixos - City
Rixos - Delivery - Rixos
Railway station - TriofLife - Railway station
Airport - TriofLife - Airport
City - TriofLife - City
Airport - Kendirli - Airport

Aktau - Kuryk settlement (Eraliev)
Aktau - SayUtes Aktau village - Senek Aktau village - Umirzak Aktau village - KCOI base Aktau - TenizService base Aktau - NCOC base Aktau - Ersai Takhi base in Aktau Riviera Courier delivery in Aktau, region Cargo delivery in Aktau, region Delivery commander mail To Rixos recreation center, TriofLife Courier delivery of documents Tours in Mangistau (Be ket-ata) Aktau - Taushyk village Aktau - Zharmysh village Aktau - Bautino village (Atash) Aktau - Kyzylsay village Aktau - Munayshy village Traveling through Mangistau Aktau - Kenderli recreation area Travel to holy places

Meeting from the railway station to the hotel
Meeting from the airport to the hotel

City - KarakudukMunai - City

City - Kalamkas - City
City - Buzachi - City

City - Karazhanbas - City
City - Dunga - City
City - Tasbulat - City
City - Ozenmunaygaz - City
City - Karamandybas - City
Takhi to holy places

Underground mosque Shopan ata, Beket ata
With a fiscal receipt, invoice.
+77755131000, +77714048999
Created: October 3
Такси в Актау
Was online october 3 13:10
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Такси в Актау
Was online october 3 13:10
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