Taxi from Aktau to the railway station 999 ₸

Taxi from Aktau to the railway station

Created: December 24 2024
Taxi from Aktau to the railway station Aqtau - photo 1
Taxi from Aktau to the railway station Aqtau - photo 2
Taxi from Aktau to the railway station Aqtau - photo 3
Address: Актау, Мангистауская область Казахстан, Aqtau, Kazakhstan, Show On Map on the map
Transfer is a reliable, convenient and affordable service for tourists.
Meeting and seeing off guests at the airport, at the railway station.
Travel, Traveling, Journey, Tour, Trip, Voyage
A taxi driver will meet you at the place with a sign with your name and surname.
Taxi, Courier, Postal services in Aktau, by fields.
Takhi by oil and gas fields of Mangistau region.
Passenger transportation in the city of Aktau, in Mangistau region.
City-airport (railway station)-city. Taxi to holy places Karaman ata, Beket ata, Shopan ata, Aday Ata (Otpan Tau)
Oil fields Karazhanbas, Buzachi, Kalamkas, Dunga, Tasbulat,

Karamandybas, Emir Oil fields. KarakudukMunai, Ozenmunaigas, Oporny Station, Borankul,
Komsomolskoe, Tengiz, Tepke. Excursion to Mangistau Kendirli beach,

Blue Bay Beach, Shakpak-ata Underground Mosque, Tamshaly Canyon, Tuzbair,
Sisem-ata Necropolis, Shopan-ata Underground Mosque, Mount Bozzhyra, Akespe, Zhygylgan,

Beket-ata, Bulyoyyk, Karynzharyk, Radon spring, Cape Sandy, Mount Airakty,
Otpan-tau, Valley of Balls, Kapamsay, Sultan Epe, Saura Canyon, Mount Sherkala.
Taxi in Mangistau region Zhanaozen, Beineu, Fort-Shevchenko, Bautino, Sai-Utes,
Shetpe, Zhetybay, Tauchik, Umirzak, Yeraliev, Kuryk, Telman. Hourly in Aktau city.
Seaport-city-seaport (Kuryk port). Temir-Baba border, Tazhen. Arystanovskoye oil field.
TenizService base, Enka, KCOI, Ersay, Halliburton, Schlumberger, Weatherford, Kasmashal.

Aktau recreation centers Rixos, Tree OfLife, Stigl, Kenderli, Akku, Zolotoe Solnyshko,
SunSet recreation center. Caspian cement plant (HeidelbergCement). Caspian bitumen plant.
A professional driver will take you comfortably from the airport/port to the hotel or other place.
Transfer with driver from the airport/train station to the hotel or place, and back.
Hotel Rixos Aktau, Renaissance Hotel, Caspian Riviera, Grand Victory, Holiday Inn Aktau,
Hotel Aray, Aktau, Akniet, Vesyoly Roger, Dostar, Dostyk, Zheruyik, ZhanaOtel, Zelenaya,
Caspian Coast, Koktem, Keremet, Primorsky, Rakhat, Salem, Tri dolphina, Chagala, Hostel Elem-T,

Chagala Hotel Bautino, Golden Palace, Grand Nur Plaza, Hotel Mandarin,
Silk Way, Hotel Victory. Taxi/transfer order from the airport/train station to the hotel and back.

Taxi Aktau to Rixos. Taxi to Tetysblu Aktau/amusement park. Taxi to Aktau Riviera.
Invoice from a fiscal receipt.
Created: December 24 2024
Актау Такси
Was online january 20 11:03
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Актау Такси
Was online january 20 11:03
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