Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery 95 000 ₸

Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery

Created: July 11 2022
Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery Aqtau - photo 1
Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery Aqtau - photo 2
Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery Aqtau - photo 3
Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery Aqtau - photo 4
Transformer table for kitchen and living room with home delivery Aqtau - photo 5
Address: Aqtau, Kazakhstan
?she is? b?lme?iz tarla? tanytyp f?rme? ?she is? to? type bol? an with? ?steli?iz ??r oryn alyp t?r?an souvenir bolyp ?alama? Onda ol? transformer "stelman almastyru" and ke? Zhinal?an to?yinde sky?rі 90 cm b?lme?izd? s?nіn kіrgіzіp zh?not ?she? kelgende 2 meterden 4 meterge deyin zhazilyp ?she?s?ezdy? b?rіn bir dastarkhan basyn zhinaytynyna kepіldіk beredi. ?stele? those sapals LDSP-dan zhasal?an. ?azir tapsyrys berse?іz apta іshіnde uіі?іzge aparyp ??ryp berіz. Arzan baada. Bas?asy?lshemine?arai?zgeredi: 3m * 90cm = 95000 tenge
Created: July 11 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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95 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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