Zepter AqueenaPro filter 180 000 ₸

Zepter AqueenaPro filter

Created: May 10 2022
Zepter AqueenaPro filter Aqtau - photo 1
Zepter AqueenaPro filter Aqtau - photo 2
Address: Aqtau, Kazakhstan
AqueenaPro filter from Zepter for sale. AqueenaPro is a high-tech water treatment system designed using the most efficient reverse osmosis technology. The 5-stage filtration system provides the maximum degree of purification, eliminating hazardous substances. The water becomes crystal clear and healthy. Fully automated and easy to manage.
Created: May 10 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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180 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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