Citron cichlosoma. Citron 300 ₸

Citron cichlosoma. Citron

Created: May 31 2022
Citron cichlosoma. Citron Актас - photo 1
Citron cichlosoma. Citron Актас - photo 2
Citron cichlosoma. Citron Актас - photo 3
Citron cichlosoma. Citron Актас - photo 4
Citron cichlosoma. Citron Актас - photo 5
Citron cichlosoma. Citron Актас - photo 6
Address: Актас, Kazakhstan
Citron fry from 2-6 cm. Cichlid family aquarium fish are a favorite for many aquarists, especially American cichlids. One of them, citron cichlazoma, due to its unusual appearance, color and interesting behavior, has especially many fans in Europe, Asia and in its homeland - North America.
Created: May 31 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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