Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts 4 000 ₸

Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts

Created: June 1 2022
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 1
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 2
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 3
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 4
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 5
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 6
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 7
Telescope, eyepiece, microscope, spare parts Aqsu - photo 8
Address: Aqsu, Kazakhstan
Spare parts for telescope, microscope. I will send additional photos on whatsapp. My WhatsApp number is 87473705103 Delivery in Kazakhstan is carried out via Kazpost. Achromatic lens 90F800 with a frame - 20000 tenge. (the frame is perfect for 110 * 2.7 mm sewer PVC pipe). Focuser - 4000 tenge. (the focuser, using a self-made flange, fits the pipe 110 * 2.7 mm, PVC sewer). A good solution for homemade Eyepiece 40 mm 40 degrees - 5000 tng. . Microscope lens - 5000 tenge. Good condition.
Created: June 1 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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4 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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