VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year 2 000 000 ₸

VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year

Created: May 6 2022
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 1
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 2
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 3
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 4
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 5
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 6
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsu - photo 7
Address: Aqsu, Kazakhstan
Model: 2170 Priora Sedan 
Selling. Frisky economical car, good music is installed JVC SWAT speakers. Salon installed from a foreign car sheathed VS avto. Low landing. Titanium wheels N2O NITRO. Noise in a circle. Front electric package. The battery is excellent. Installed mirrors of the 2nd generation, repeaters on the rear bumper. All buttons work. Timing belt replaced with all rollers. Running without complaints. There are minor flaws during the inspection will show not critical. We will agree on a reasonable price.
Created: May 6 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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2 000 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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