VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year 1 050 000 ₸

VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan year

Created: May 6 2022
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 1
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 2
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 3
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 4
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 5
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 6
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 7
VAZ 2170 Priora Sedan    year Aqsay - photo 8
Address: Aqsay, Kazakhstan
Model: 2170 Priora Sedan 
Does not require attachments according to documents all clean bottom thresholds whole motor box in perfect condition windshield new exhaust completely track stinger write here no bargaining with stupid questions do not call or write
Created: May 6 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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1 050 000 ₸
Was online january 13 11:19
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