polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener.

polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener.

Created: May 16 2022
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 1
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 2
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 3
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 4
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 5
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 6
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 7
polymer floors. Industrial, decorative floors, concrete hardener. Aqsay - photo 8
Address: Aqsay, Kazakhstan
We provide industrial and decorative floor laying services and concrete reinforcement. Industrial polymer floors. Based on epoxy, polyurethane coating. Resistant to mechanical loads, aggressive chemical influences. It is used in industrial premises, warehouses, industrial workshops, underground parking lots, shopping centers, garages. Decorative floors in the LOFT style are used in civilian areas (in apartments, restaurants, etc.) High abrasion resistance. Concrete hardener (topping). Concrete hardener with quartz and corundum filler. Dustless concrete grinding. Departure to the object to inspect the foundation and make an estimate free of charge.
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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