Bathhouse with KARAOKE "Hmelny Collection" 7mkr 42dom Promotion 3+1

Bathhouse with KARAOKE "Hmelny Collection" 7mkr 42dom Promotion 3+1

Created: May 15 2022
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Bathhouse with KARAOKE
Address: Aqsay, Kazakhstan
Residents and guests of the city of Aksai, we are glad to see you in our Bathhouses, at your disposal are excellent steam, cozy atmosphere in a modern style, KARAOKE system, Playstation 4 game console. You can also order various drinks without leaving the bathhouse by calling the same number. There is a permanent promotion 3 + 1, that is, if you order a bath for 3 hours, you get the 4th one as a gift. For details, please call 8 771 516 26 11.
Created: May 15 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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