Eyelash extension Caspian red

Eyelash extension Caspian red

Created: May 14 2022
Eyelash extension Caspian red Abay - photo 1
Eyelash extension Caspian red Abay - photo 2
Eyelash extension Caspian red Abay - photo 3
Eyelash extension Caspian red Abay - photo 4
Eyelash extension Caspian red Abay - photo 5
Eyelash extension Caspian red Abay - photo 6
Address: Abay, Kazakhstan
Eyelash extension from the top master Zhuldyz Eyebrow correction with painting - 2000tg 1D - 5000tg 2/4D - 6000tg mega - 8000tg wet, kylie, fox, puppet bend - C, SS , D, L, M colored brown eyelashes Departure all inclusive - 10000tg Yes Caspian Red!!! Training - 20000tg (individually) zzvezdo4ka 87477797758
Created: May 14 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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Was online january 13 11:19
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