Massage/Peeling/Spa Treatments

Massage/Peeling/Spa Treatments

Created: May 16 2022
Massage/Peeling/Spa Treatments Abay - photo 1
Address: Abay, Kazakhstan
classical massage. Recovery procedures. And the treatment of ailments. I have extensive experience in the field of massage medicine. She was trained by the best specialists in Kazakhstan + practice at the Moscow massage clinic. Duration is selected individually. If you come with a headache, then I will definitely pay great attention to the head massage. And if you are tormented by pain in the Body, then accordingly, attention will be paid to problem areas. - diseases of the joints: arthritis, gout, arthrosis, - headaches, including migraine and colds, - hypertension, stress, insomnia, - myositis, sciatica, constipation, Studied with oriental medical specialists! Designed to improve the elasticity of muscle fibers. For its effectiveness, the massage therapist must first completely relax the patient's muscles. Then, with the help of circular techniques, they proceed to a stronger effect. Conducting a course of procedures, it is advisable to allocate time for massage 2-3 times a week, ten sessions. The standard recommendation for massage courses is 2 times a year, however, depending on the desire of the client and taking into account the recommendations of the specialist, the schedule may change. Call at any time. We work 24/7
Created: May 16 2022
Was online january 13 11:19
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