Business Writing for Hong Kong

Создано: 19 февраля 2023
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 1
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 2
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 3
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 4
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 5
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 6
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 7
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 8
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 9
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 10
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 11
Business Writing for Hong Kong Алматы - изображение 12
Адрес: ул. Си Синхай, д. 22, Бостандыкский р-н, Алматы, Казахстан, Показать На карте на карте
Состояние: Б/у 
Business Writing for Hong Kong – Grahame T. Bilbow, 1997, Longman Asia Limited, 2-е изд. (1997), мягкая ламинированная обложка, стр.: 334, с ч/б иллюстрациями, формат: 258 х 186 мм, вес: 672 г; тираж: кол-во экземпляров не указано! Состояние хорошее: подклеен 1 книжный блок.

Book Description
“Business Writing for Hong Kong” is intended for those who have professional reasons for writing in a business context. It is designed for both classroom and self-reference use.

This substantially revised edition of the book is arranged in two parts. The first part of the book is a reference guide to the basic of business writing, which contains advice about:
* Layout (the formats of business letters and faxes, memos, and reports)
* Language (business writing style, tone, grammar and vocabulary)
* Accuracy (spelling, punctuation and proofreading)

The second part of the book gives comprehensive practice in producing all of the common forms of business writing. These includes:
* Business letters and faxes
* Memos and correspondence.
* Business reports
* Minutes
* Notices

This book contains:
* Models of different forms of business writing
* Analysis and advice on the language used in the models
* Contextualised writing exercises
* Key answers to language and task exercises

“Business Writing for Hong Kong” is the acknowledged standard book of its type. The book is a must for anyone who needs to write at work... If you have an interest in business writing, you should have a copy of this book." (The Language Key)
Создано: 19 февраля 2023
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